Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Free Writing Help Online- Use it!
Want better grades on your papers? You can submit your paper online before it is due, and get feedback outside of Union for free. It always improves your paper.
Smarthinking.com—FREE online tutoring at the click of your mouse!
Help when you need it: 24/7
Go to www.smarthinking.com
Log-in: USERNAME: Your UU e-mail address (i.e. s11111@my.uu.edu); PASSWORD: uubulldog09
smart thinking,
How these genetic disorders happen
Huntington's Chorea
Huntington's disease results from genetically programmed degeneration of nerve cells, called neurons, in certain areas of the brain. This degeneration causes uncontrolled movements, loss of intellectual faculties, and emotional disturbance. Specifically affected are cells of the basal ganglia, structures deep within the brain that have many important functions, including coordinating movement. Also affected is the brain's outer surface, or cortex, which controls thought, perception, and memory.
Read More at Web MD
It is only in Women. They have only one X chromosome.
In addition to short stature and lack of sexual development, some of the other physical features commonly seen in girls with Turner syndrome are:
a "webbed" neck (extra folds of skin extending from the tops of the shoulders to the sides of the neck)
a low hairline at the back of the neck
drooping of the eyelids
differently shaped ears that are set lower on the sides of the head than usual
abnormal bone development (especially the bones of the hands and elbows)
a larger than usual number of moles on the skin
edema or extra fluid in the hands and feet
The good news is that when Turner syndrome is diagnosed while a girl is still growing, she can be treated with growth hormones to help her grow taller.
How Genetic Disorders Happen
Where is the problem? Male or Female?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Freud and Skinner: Floam
Freud sat in his study
And listened all day long
To wealthy German women
Saying this or that was wrong.
"I cannot feel my arm" one says,
Or "I'm scared of train wrecks".
Freud said "My opinion is
It has to do with sex!"
"Now come and see me every day
For 10 or 20 years
And in the end, I'll have your cash
But you'll have lost your fears".
Skinner took a squirrel
And put it in a box
And if it ever misbehaved
He gave it nasty shocks
He made it run throughmazes
To get a little food
And only Skinner was surprised
When the squirrel came unglued
But people aren't squirrels
No matter how it seems
And Skinner just could not explain
Language, jokes and dreams
Our minds are simply too complex
To fit his schema well.
But when that squirrel salivates
Skinner always rings a bell.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Chapter 3 TOP TENS
Wolf Pack
Developed Oedipus and Electra
Developed Psychosexual Stages- 0-6 (mailnly)
A Physician and Neurologist
Developed the three components of personality : Id, Ego, Superego
Developed idea of fixation
Theory stating personality development confined to early years
First person to develop major theory of personality
Performed his research in the late 1800s
Interested in unconcious, preconscious, amd conscious
Erikson was a student of Freud who did not agree with many of his theories
The Aquarian Exposition
8 stages of psychosocial development
adolescence study
explains development from birth to death
identity constant challenge throught life ***think of how your "I AM statements may change****
self identity and different things
Epigenetic principle
worked with Freud
first child psychoanalyst in Boston
Invented modern psychohistory
Social Learning Theory - critical in the development of personality becuase of the principle of observational learning.
Believed that people can process information to actively influence how the environment controls them
Self-efficacy is a person's belief about his or her abilty to perform behaviors that lead to expected outcomes
Assumed that learning can occur by observing others without direct involvement in the learning experience.
Bandura thinks children develop aggressive tendencies based on what kind of social role models they are exposed to.
Labeled reciprocal determinism- that the world and a person’s behavior cause each other.
Cognitive behaviorist- attempts to understand the way people think and their influence on the environment.
Used the bobo doll experiment to see how children imitate aggressive behavior of role models.
Jackson Four
Trained as biologist before psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Published 1st scholarly work age 10
Developed intelligence tests
Critical components of theory of cognitive development are adaptation and organization
Built his career on studying relationship between how we learn and how we develop
Developed his theory by obser5ving his own children.
His work helps us understand limitations in the abilities of children
Individuals go through a series of mental stages: sensorimotor period (birth-2), concrete operations period (7-11), the formal operational period (11-above).
His theory needs to be taken in to account when trying to explain complex issues to children (such as 9/11).
Happy Feet
Assumed that all behavior is determined by contingent enforcement processes in the person’s environment.
Theory of learning ignored the importance of mental and emotional processes.
Supports reinforcement- anything that follows a behavior and increases the likely hood of that behavior.
Second concept in operant conditioning is punishment- anything that follows a behavior and decreases the likely hood of that behavior.
Operant Conditioning- A form of learning that occurs when responses are controlled by their consequences.
Operant learning processes contribute to how behavior is acquired: negative reinforcement and extinction.
Negative reinforcement- when a behavior increases because it is followed by the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus.
Extinction- when a conditioned response that was previously reinforced stops producing positive consequences.
Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning provides an understanding of how learning takes place.
Says our behavior can be influenced by the positive and negative consequences we experience in our life.
Two Hispanics and a White Girl
Guilt and Shame
Connection between emotion and psychopathology
Still being studied
Shame prone personalities are more likely to blame others than themselves for negative events.
Guilt prone personalities are much more likely to accept responsibility for negative outcomes and interpersonal relationships and less likely to become angry than shame prone individuals.
They are often used interchangeably.
Guilt saw as resulting from conflict btw ego and super ego.
Shame came from conflict between ego and ego ideal.
Shame; a large family of emotions that includes embarrassment, humiliation and related feelings such as; shyness that involves reactions to rejection or feelings of failure or inadequacy.
Shame occurred as a consequence of public disapproval.
Guilt occurred as more of a private experience of personal conscience.
Developed Oedipus and Electra
Developed Psychosexual Stages- 0-6 (mailnly)
A Physician and Neurologist
Developed the three components of personality : Id, Ego, Superego
Developed idea of fixation
Theory stating personality development confined to early years
First person to develop major theory of personality
Performed his research in the late 1800s
Interested in unconcious, preconscious, amd conscious
Erikson was a student of Freud who did not agree with many of his theories
The Aquarian Exposition
8 stages of psychosocial development
adolescence study
explains development from birth to death
identity constant challenge throught life ***think of how your "I AM statements may change****
self identity and different things
Epigenetic principle
worked with Freud
first child psychoanalyst in Boston
Invented modern psychohistory
Social Learning Theory - critical in the development of personality becuase of the principle of observational learning.
Believed that people can process information to actively influence how the environment controls them
Self-efficacy is a person's belief about his or her abilty to perform behaviors that lead to expected outcomes
Assumed that learning can occur by observing others without direct involvement in the learning experience.
Bandura thinks children develop aggressive tendencies based on what kind of social role models they are exposed to.
Labeled reciprocal determinism- that the world and a person’s behavior cause each other.
Cognitive behaviorist- attempts to understand the way people think and their influence on the environment.
Used the bobo doll experiment to see how children imitate aggressive behavior of role models.
Jackson Four
Trained as biologist before psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Published 1st scholarly work age 10
Developed intelligence tests
Critical components of theory of cognitive development are adaptation and organization
Built his career on studying relationship between how we learn and how we develop
Developed his theory by obser5ving his own children.
His work helps us understand limitations in the abilities of children
Individuals go through a series of mental stages: sensorimotor period (birth-2), concrete operations period (7-11), the formal operational period (11-above).
His theory needs to be taken in to account when trying to explain complex issues to children (such as 9/11).
Happy Feet
Assumed that all behavior is determined by contingent enforcement processes in the person’s environment.
Theory of learning ignored the importance of mental and emotional processes.
Supports reinforcement- anything that follows a behavior and increases the likely hood of that behavior.
Second concept in operant conditioning is punishment- anything that follows a behavior and decreases the likely hood of that behavior.
Operant Conditioning- A form of learning that occurs when responses are controlled by their consequences.
Operant learning processes contribute to how behavior is acquired: negative reinforcement and extinction.
Negative reinforcement- when a behavior increases because it is followed by the withdrawal of an unpleasant stimulus.
Extinction- when a conditioned response that was previously reinforced stops producing positive consequences.
Skinner’s theory of operant conditioning provides an understanding of how learning takes place.
Says our behavior can be influenced by the positive and negative consequences we experience in our life.
Two Hispanics and a White Girl
Guilt and Shame
Connection between emotion and psychopathology
Still being studied
Shame prone personalities are more likely to blame others than themselves for negative events.
Guilt prone personalities are much more likely to accept responsibility for negative outcomes and interpersonal relationships and less likely to become angry than shame prone individuals.
They are often used interchangeably.
Guilt saw as resulting from conflict btw ego and super ego.
Shame came from conflict between ego and ego ideal.
Shame; a large family of emotions that includes embarrassment, humiliation and related feelings such as; shyness that involves reactions to rejection or feelings of failure or inadequacy.
Shame occurred as a consequence of public disapproval.
Guilt occurred as more of a private experience of personal conscience.
(Some) Jargon from Papers...
my plans, His Plans
I have the gift of...
Lift them up
His glory
prayer request
gifts of the holy spirit
God led me to...
having on the heart
laying on the heart
laid on my heart
confess (even when not directly referring to anything Godly)
have a big heart for
witness to them
turned away from God
Wanted to go my own way
Obediently in the center of God's will (VERY FREQUENT)
Bless me beyond measure
precious gift (s)
Give up everything (with little of this actually in evidence)
Him to reveal
God Willing
dedicate to the lord
after God's own heart
God Honoring
Duty for the Word
He revealed His heart
Us being Christ
The Bible is God's Word
Chapter 2 Quiz Results
Friday, September 11, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Blackboard Information
Steps For Helping A Student Who Can't Log Into Blackboard
If you have a student who says "I can't log into Blackboard", here's the "two-step" version of what to do. (If you want a little more of the background, that's at the end of this message.)
Step 1. Tell the student to try logging into eclass.uu.edu (if off campus) using the same username and same password the student is using for Blackboard. (Even if the student says "I can check my e-mail", have the student try again at eclass.uu.edu.)
Step 2a. If Step 1 does not work, proceed to Step 2b. If Step 1 works (the student can log into vo.uu.edu), tell the student to try logging into Blackboard again. If the student still can't get into Blackboard, you as the faculty member need to get me the following information:
- Student name
- Student ID number
- Course name/section
- [anything else you need to insert here].
You can contact me at rnavel@uu.edu or 731-661-5402. After I receive the information from you, I will investigate the problem and will respond to you.
Step 2b. If the student cannot log into Blackboard and cannot log into vo.uu.edu, tell the student to contact the student helpdesk for a password reset. 731-661-5400 is the Jackson campus student helpdesk. 901-759-0029 ext. 126 is the Germantown campus helpdesk.
More to know:
General comments:
Each person at Union has one unique username/password. The Blackboard username/password is the same as what is used for everything else at Union. There is no separate Blackboard password that can be reset.
Step 1 comments:
- If the student is on campus, trying to log into the campus network using a lab PC works just as well. If the student can't log into the network on campus, see Step 2b.
- It is critical the student uses eclass.uu.edu to attempt the login process. It is also critical to verify the student cannot log in at the time they are telling you about the problem - not an hour or a day or a week ago.
Step 2 comments:
- Computing Services is not authorized to add students to an online course without the request from the teacher of the course. We will also have to verify that the student is registered for the course.
- The student should leave a request with only one helpdesk. Leaving the request at both locations may delay successful login for the student.
- Within 24 working hours of the student leaving his/her account/identity information at the helpdesk, a professional staff member in Computing Services will reset the password to a temporary one. For security reasons, student workers are not able to reset passwords; they are able only to pass along the information to the appropriate staff person.
- As soon as possible after Computing Services resets the student's password, the student must change that temporary password to a new one only the student knows. Otherwise, within a very few uses of the password, it will expire and have to be reset again. The temporary password can be reset on either Union campus in a lab or online at vo.uu.edu. If the student needs help with this process, have him/her contact the student helpdesk.
- Student passwords must be changed every 12 months. Logging into vo.uu.edu on a regular basis to check e-mail should ensure the student being notified that the Union password is about to expire and needs to be changed.
If you have a student who says "I can't log into Blackboard", here's the "two-step" version of what to do. (If you want a little more of the background, that's at the end of this message.)
Step 1. Tell the student to try logging into eclass.uu.edu (if off campus) using the same username and same password the student is using for Blackboard. (Even if the student says "I can check my e-mail", have the student try again at eclass.uu.edu.)
Step 2a. If Step 1 does not work, proceed to Step 2b. If Step 1 works (the student can log into vo.uu.edu), tell the student to try logging into Blackboard again. If the student still can't get into Blackboard, you as the faculty member need to get me the following information:
- Student name
- Student ID number
- Course name/section
- [anything else you need to insert here].
You can contact me at rnavel@uu.edu or 731-661-5402. After I receive the information from you, I will investigate the problem and will respond to you.
Step 2b. If the student cannot log into Blackboard and cannot log into vo.uu.edu, tell the student to contact the student helpdesk for a password reset. 731-661-5400 is the Jackson campus student helpdesk. 901-759-0029 ext. 126 is the Germantown campus helpdesk.
More to know:
General comments:
Each person at Union has one unique username/password. The Blackboard username/password is the same as what is used for everything else at Union. There is no separate Blackboard password that can be reset.
Step 1 comments:
- If the student is on campus, trying to log into the campus network using a lab PC works just as well. If the student can't log into the network on campus, see Step 2b.
- It is critical the student uses eclass.uu.edu to attempt the login process. It is also critical to verify the student cannot log in at the time they are telling you about the problem - not an hour or a day or a week ago.
Step 2 comments:
- Computing Services is not authorized to add students to an online course without the request from the teacher of the course. We will also have to verify that the student is registered for the course.
- The student should leave a request with only one helpdesk. Leaving the request at both locations may delay successful login for the student.
- Within 24 working hours of the student leaving his/her account/identity information at the helpdesk, a professional staff member in Computing Services will reset the password to a temporary one. For security reasons, student workers are not able to reset passwords; they are able only to pass along the information to the appropriate staff person.
- As soon as possible after Computing Services resets the student's password, the student must change that temporary password to a new one only the student knows. Otherwise, within a very few uses of the password, it will expire and have to be reset again. The temporary password can be reset on either Union campus in a lab or online at vo.uu.edu. If the student needs help with this process, have him/her contact the student helpdesk.
- Student passwords must be changed every 12 months. Logging into vo.uu.edu on a regular basis to check e-mail should ensure the student being notified that the Union password is about to expire and needs to be changed.
Chapter 1 Stats
Column Statistics for: Chapter 1—A Multidimensional Framework for Assessing Social Functioning
Count: 31
Average: 10.4
Median: 10.5
Maximum: 14.0
Minimum: 6.0
Standard Deviation: 1.79
The highest score was 14- which means that you can add a point to your score for the curve since the max was 15. And to be extra kind, I went ahead for this quiz and went down to the next highest score and averaged the two. So for this quiz only you can add 1.75 points for the curve. Next time, make sure to read the chapter first. Many of you just didn't believe me...
Friday, September 4, 2009
September Calendar Reminders
Thursday, September 3, 2009
XX Female, XY MALE
Either of a pair of chromosomes that determine whether an individual is male or female. The sex chromosomes of mammals are designated X and Y; in humans, they constitute one pair of the total 23 pairs of chromosomes. Individuals possessing two X chromosomes (XX) are female; those having one X and one Y chromosome (XY) are male. The X chromosome is larger and carries more genetic information than the Y. Traits controlled only by genes found on the X chromosome (e.g., red-green colour blindness- only males) are said to be sex-linked.
Sex-linked traits occur far more frequently in males than in females, since a male inheriting an allele for a recessive (see recessiveness) trait on the X chromosome lacks a corresponding allele on the Y chromosome that might counteract its effects. Several disorders are associated with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, including Turner syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome (which we will discuss in class).
Cell Tutorial Game
A somewhat helpful tutorial...
Chapter 2,
study groups
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
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