Count: 28
Average: 56.5
Median: 56.5
Maximum: 72.0
Minimum: 34.5
Standard Deviation: 9.24
So how does your grade break down? For the exam, there were a total of 64 points available to you. What else was included? The bonus question worth 1 point as well as the possible 7.5 points for the first half of My Sister's Keeper.
This is why you will see some extremely high scores (perfect or nearly perfect exam plus 8.5 points!)
What wasn't included? If you came and talked to me in person for book credit, it will be in its own column.
To calculate your percentage put your number given to you in your gradebook, click on divide and enter 64. It will tell you your percentage. If you want to know what it was before My Sister's keeper, simply subtract the 7.5 from your gradebook number.
1. In the red flag section, many of you got confused and thought you were in HBSE I and were describing infant behaviors (cooing, waving bye bye, learning to walk etc. those ARE NOT early childhood flags). Along with this, using the same descriptor for each age group, being vague.
2. Relying too much on extra credit and doing poorly on the exam (3-4 of you). You should see extra credit as insurance for an A, not as a rescue from studying- these are things you actually need to know.
3. Too many of you didn't know what or who a mandated reporter was- if you don't know this, you can't be a social worker.
4. Many missed the illustration of the brain for ADHD, which was given to you on the blog. The less active looking one was ADHD.
5. ODD/ Conduct was very ho- hum in responses so it is likely to show up again on the final like the above mentioned items.
6. I was very generous on the flags, and on the Learning Disorder question, even though I told you to research one (NOT ADHD) and know something about it for the exam. Several used ADHD and I went ahead and took it, even though I maybe shouldn't have. It isn't really fair to the rest who did as they were told.
Many of you did super crazy well, so there is no curve- plus you have plenty of opportunity for extra credit. (2 books and the skit sign up in BB by Monday).
If you want to look at your exams, it will have to wait until I get back- we can plan on it a week from Monday. Feel free to contact me next week- I'm not on vacation, just remember the time difference (2 hours earlier there). Speaking of time- you won't have to worry about it for our class since we are online but remember to set clocks forward an hour before bed on Sunday night (losing an hour of sleep, but hey -you are getting it back from me not having to meet!)
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