Friday, February 26, 2010


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Another Extra Credit Opp: Or just for those of you who love to read.....

Amazon has them for .18!

It Happens Every Day: An All Too True Story
10 points EC

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

From the Kids Mouths...

Couples like John and Kate Plus 8

Do you find his advice helpful really?

Have a Good Divorce?

Kind of annoying BUT....

Sunday, February 14, 2010

High Impact PSA: Warning

Just a warning- the middle finger is used in this video clip- just FYI.

What can be traumatic for a child?

How can Social Workers help children cope with the aftermath of disasters (think Haiti, Katrina, the Jackson Tornado, a future atomic bomb)? What do children feel? Is it the same as adults?

Finally- an emotional disaster for children: divorce or death of a parent...what is more difficult for a child?

What "red flag" symptoms will you see in children who have been through a disaster?

Please support your ideas and provide the website links below your post.